KATO offers a variety of pieces and turnouts in very small size which allows you build layout less than A2 size (325mm x573mm).
Also many of options of railway models to play with. One of recommendation is the Pocket Line series has improved mechanism, which delivering a better driving experience with great slow speed running. This series is the entry point for beginner-level modelers who are looking for a fun and affordable hobby that is not limited by the possibility of expansion.
Pocket Line Series
Steam Locomotive
Pocket Line Series
Freight Train
Pocket Line Series Tram
Powered Chassis
For Pocket Line Freight Car
The power unit, which has a reputation for good running performance, is suitable for making and modifying your own vehicles.
Powered Chassis
For Pocket Line Passengers
183mm radius 45°Curve Track(4pcs)
150mm radius 45°Curve Track(4pcs)
117mm radius 45°Curve Track(4pcs)
N Unitrack Compact 150mm Electric Turnout, Left
N Unitrack Compact 150mm Electric Turnout, Right
N CV-1 Unitrack Compact Oval Set
Complete oval with 6" curves and 124mm (4 7/8") straight pieces. Includes a rerailer and feeder track.
N CV-2 Unitrack Compact Multi-purpose Turnout Set
Semi-circle of track with 6" curves and Two 6"-45 degree Compact turnouts. Also includes two Kato turnout control switches.
N CV-3 Unitrack Compact Set with Crossing
Semi-circle of track with 7" curves, 248mm (9 3/4") straight pieces, a grade crossing and a 90 degree crossing. Also includes a rerailer and feeder track.
Item Number #20-172
Item Number #20-175
Single track sold separately
Dimensions: Outer 391mm x639 mm, Middle 325mm x 573mm, Inner 259mm x507mm