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What is N Scale?
What is N scale?
Chram of N scale
Charm of N Scale
KATO N Scale components


Why KATO UNITRACK is ideal for building both your permanent and temporary layouts
the unitrack advantage

Elegant in design and function
The Unitrack Features
desing and function
Wide variety for any layout

Wide variety for any layoutet

Standard single track
(wooden ties)
Elevated Viaduct single track
(wooden ties)
One of the biggest benefits of using KATO UNITRACK is the variety of track styles to choose from - with various types of single and double track including viaduct and pier sections for runnning elevated trains and even street tracks, complete with compatible road sections and pre-built structures for making city scenes!
All KATO UNITRACK components are inter-compatible within the same scale -meaning it's a "snap" to link up single track pieces to double track pieces, to elevated viaduct pieces, or even between the new street track sections. Your only limit is your imagination!
Standard double track
(concrete ties)
Elevated Viaduct double track
(concrete slabs)
Street style double track
The UNITRACK Variation
Single Tracks (wooden ties / sleepers)
The basics of UNITRACK can be achieved with single track pieces. The standard straight is 248mm with 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 length straight also available. 315mm Radius (R315) is your standard curve with 6 inner curves and 2outer curves also available too as are buffer stops and adjustable track.
Pocket Line / UNITRACK Compact / Unitram
Turnouts / Crossings / Crossovers
Turnouts, crossings and crossovers make your model railway more interesting. They are indispensable at stations, sidings and engine sheds.
Double Tracks
Unitrack double track items are perfect for replicating modern scenes with pre-cast concrete sleepers (ties) and slabs. On a curve, there is inbuilt "cant" (small incline) so that trains realistically lean inwards when travelling. These sections are really easy to set up and put away as well.

Curves on double tracks is superelevated-inclined inward. The rail bed with inclined rails is marked ➧. Connecting curves with Easement tracks at the ➧ will form un inclined curve.
Easement track R
Can be connected to the rail bed end of varrious kinds of single or double tracks without double cirve tracks.
Easement track L
Flat side
Can be connected to the rail bed end, formed with inclined angle and marked with ➧ , of double curve tracks or Easement tracks by matching their ends with ➧.
Electric Turntable / Level crossing / Signals
All are available within the Unitrack system and are very easy to use, no matter how complicated your layout might me.

Perfect for any skill level
Perfect for any skill level

Whether it's being used for a quick build that can be assembled or disassembled in minutes or carefully being weathered and built into a permanent, decorated layout, KATO UNITRACK benefits from a tried and true design that reduces necessary maintenance and allows for easy and reliable assembly; meaning that no matter what level ofskill you are, using KATO UNITRACK on your layout means you and your family can spend time actually operating trains - not troubleshooting connection issues or cleaning rails.

Advanced level
Entry level
Master Sets

Single Track Variation Sets / Double Track Variation Sets /
Starter Sets
All rights reserved. 2019 Kato Co., Ltd. / Sekisui Kinzoku Co., Ltd.
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